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このページは WEB GUIDE CONTROL SYSTEMS の電子ブックに掲載されている18ページの概要です。
このページは WEB GUIDE CONTROL SYSTEMS の電子ブックに掲載されている18ページの概要です。
14FeaturesWhat is EPCR?ServoguideサーボガイドとはOverviewServoguide MK-IV.M Electro-hydraulic EPCThe Servoguide MK-IV.M is an electro-hydraulic EPC device. Thisis the most precise and responsive control method currentlyavailable. We also offer a full range of sensors for all applicationsand reliability needs, and hydraulic servo valves for all loads andoperating speeds. Besides EPC, these components can be usedin systems for LFC (Line Follow Control) and for CPC (CenterPosition Control).Servoguide MK-IV.D Pneumatic-hydraulic EPCThis Servoguide uses an extremely simple pneumatic mechanismfor edge detection. Its controller is also pneumatic, which meansthat an amplifier is not required.Servoguide MK-IVThree basic EPC systems (hydraulic)Unwinding reel systemThis method is used when an irregularly wound mill roll shouldbe fed to the next process, such as a slitter, printing press orlaminator, with an even edge position. The sensor is fixed in thedesired position, as shown in figure one, and the work cylindermoves the reel so that the edge of the web is always at thatposition.Wind-up reel systemThis method is used to wind the web onto a reel with the edgealigned smoothly. The sensor is joined together with the windupreel, and a single fixed roll is interposed between the sensor andthe reel. The web continues to meander, but the sensor which isconnected to the reel constantly follows the edge (moved by aservo), enabling the web to be wound onto the reel with its edgealigned smoothly.Intermediate guide roller systemThis system is adopted when the web meanders in the middleof a process or where problems will occur in the next continuousprocess unless the web edge is controlled. The sensor is fixedat the desired web edge position, and control is performed byguide rollers that turn on a pivot so that the web edge is alwayslocated at the sensor position. Guide rollers are available in twotypes: an end-pivot type and a center-pivot type.Unwinding reel systemIntermediate guide roller center-pivot systemWind-up reel systemServoguide MK-IV.M Electro-hydraulic EPCServoguide MK-IV.D Pneumatic-hydraulic EPC??High thrust at low cost can be obtained, compared withelectric actuation.??Has a special, noise-reducing design.(Operating noise level: below 65 dB(A)).??The non-contact rotary blower provides filtered air, forlong service life and easy maintenance, compared with theprevious model.??Pressure-resistant explosion-proof, and improved explosionproofversions of all models are available.??Inexpensive systems can be configured, since no controller isrequired.??Since detection by air is used, these Servoguides can be usedwith webs of a wide range of materials.??You can select the electronic sensor to use, depending on theapplication.??In addition to normal integral action, proportional action isachievable by installing a position transmitter on the cylinder.EPC is the acronym for Edge Position Control, and is a registeredtrademark of NIRECO. It is a system that automatically controlsthe edge of a web of sheets such as paper, plastic film, foil,rubber or textiles.