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17Sensing nozzleWork cylinderCentering nozzleServoguide MK-IV.D controllerThe photo shows Model D121B-AC-0Selector switchAUTO CENTBasic structure: Servoguide MK-IV.D? AC (AUTO-CENT) Remote AUTO-CENT switching modeThis system is available with both a centering operation and an automatic operation. The reel or the guide roller stand isautomatically restored to the center position by selecting CENT with the selector switch when setting a web roll, changing thewidth of a web, or splicing webs.? AM (AUTO-MAN) Remote AUTO-MAN switching modeIn this system, the Servoguide MK-IV.D controller can be remotely switched off during automatic operation or the reel stand can bemanually moved right and left, when setting a web roll or splicing webs.Basic structure Servoguide MK-IV.DThe Servoguide MK-IV.D controllers are available in many models depending on pressure and flow rate, forapplication at high and low web speeds and loads.The Servoguide MK-IV.D is equipped with the added functions of Automatic / Centering operation or Automatic /Manual operation to facilitate operation control.Servoguide MK-IV.DExamples of system configurationsSensing nozzleWork cylinderServoguide MK-IV.D controllerThe photo shows Model D121B-AM-0AUTO MANJOGLEFT RIGHTSTOPSelector switchMODELD053D121D226D721-ACMODELD053D121D226D721-AMPneumatic-hydraulic model