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30Servoguide MK-IV model selection tableServoguide MK-IV load-flow characteristics0.2 0.5 1.00.5 1.0 2.0 5.0 10 20 50 1002.0 5.0 10 20 50 100f=0.2f=0.1f=friction coefficient0.1High load typeLine speed (N)m/minWeight of work cylinder mounting base (W: ton)Single typeLow load typeOperating speed of work cylinder (C)mm/sec806350100806350High load type100100502010521 2 5 10 20 50 100 200 500 1000Single type11.52456789103750kgLow load type5040180 m/min801006350High-output typeHigh-output type(Powerguide unit)Examples of Selection1. Reel stand mass: 400 kg2. Roll weight: 350 kg3. Slide type4. Line speed: 180 m/min5. 3mm/one meter web fed at a lineTherefore, the following factors aredetermined as shown below:Mass of the work cylinder mountingBase: W=400+350=750 kgFriction coefficient: F=0.2 Mass of the work cylinderMounting base: 750 kg(f=0.2 sude)Web edge displacement3mm/one meter web fed at a linespeed of 180 m/minTherefore, the work cylinder bore is 50 mmwith the single-type Servoguide.Web edge displacement 0.6 mm meter webFlow volume L/minLow load type/Single type load-flow characteristicsFlow volume L/minHigh load type load-flow characteristics0.10.5 1 2 3 4 5 10 V2 V0.30.5 1 2 3 4 5 10 200.40.51233 V4 V3V3.7V1.25V2.5V5VP0-(P1-P2)MPaValve pressure loss P0-(P1-P2)MPaValve pressure lossValve pressure loss1.5P0-(P1-P2)MPa0.30.40.5123651 2 3 4 5 10 20 30Flow volume L/minHigh-output type load-flow characteristics (Powerguide unit)1 V2 V3 V4 V4Servoguide